Hero 大英雄 EP 7

Big Brother finds out about a secret beach party. He takes Jinguang and Xiaoying there to sell beer and soft drinks. Weixiong is there at the secret beach party with Jack. She tries to evade Big Brother but to no avail. The three friends made a profit at the secret beach party. Xiaoying suggests they invest the money in a business, and Big Brother refuses to agree. Lili is incensed with Meimei for letting A-li into the house. He assures her that he is turning over a new leaf, but Lili does not believe him. Meiyu is slapped by A-li for criticising him. Weikang consoles her and suggests she enrol in a private university and befriend rich people. She dares him to get a sugar mummy and says she will follow suit. He accepts the challenge. Fangfang has found Bangqing, but they are unable to find a place to stay. Grandma Wuxia rents them a room. They get along so well that Grandma Wuxia accepts Fangfang as her god-granddaughter. A wealthy middle-aged woman asks to meet Big Brother before…