You Can Be An Angel Too 你也可以是天使 EP 17

Yaozong was in a tussle with Liya’s husband and was stabbed. Jie and Xinni rush him to the hospital. After work, Youle finds the coat she likes on her bicycle. She is well aware it is a present from Jiazi. Back home, her sister-in-law, Xianshu, tries to convince her to buy slimming pills and is unhappy she refuses. That night, Youle is about to call Jiazi when she hears Xianshu calling out in pain. She rushes him to the hospital. Yongming quarrels with Xianshu over the hospital bill and is relieved Youle offers to pay. Youle is happy when Yongming lets her move back into the room and even buys breakfast for her. She doesn’t realise he merely wants to borrow money from her.