You Can Be An Angel Too 你也可以是天使 EP 2

Refusing to believe Yiqiang was entrapped, Ruojun insists on a divorce. He has no choice but to move out. Ruojun visits her mother, Meiying, who is a nurse in the delivery ward. Meiying refuses to retire, as newborn babies bring her hope and cheer her up. Since her graduation, Youle has been helping out at the chicken rice stall of her brother, Yongming. He treats her shabbily and pays her very little. When she gets into nursing school on a scholarship, he asks her to pay rent for her lodging. Ruojun cannot bring herself to forgive Yiqiang. In an effort to force them to reconcile, Meiying tricks Ruojun and Ruo’en into returning home. Her attempt fails and the meeting ends on a sour note.